Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Neolithikum 002 one hot minute

...its becoming cold now & the year is going to be finished very soon, so its the perfect time to stay at home and look back at the year.
I should start where I stopped when I last looked back.
That's the latest exhibition at Neolithikum Berlin, an exhibition by Fritz Bornstück called One hot minute . An happening which took place in my toilette. After he finished a series of toilette exhibitions. here are some pictures from one he did in Berlin at Neue Nationalgalerie & here are some pictures and a text. 

City of Silence
The Glamour, the Peanuts, an illustrated edition of 4 years ago on the capital , grubby
mirror images, a well-thumbed Bravo, Handbook for well-behaved girls, Sexlehrbücher
and more of the same.
I'll take that does not, it need not at this point. I prefer to place before God is apale girl with freckles and skull fracture. It is afternoon in the office: thoughts on F,my sewing machine and stacks of unfinished canvases. My head a junk room or a museum.
Think of it now goes where and how everything is connected. Think of Frank Zappa with his pants down and Felix Kubin and the fact that what he said about the power grid to the sewer is true.
The sewer system has no beginning and no end. But a direction of flow. All the toilets of a city are connected. Everything flows together since. Whether it be anmixture of champagne and wine merchant in San Peligriono the porcelain basin or returns the above girls are strong over there - through the sewage system they are connected.
The same applies to public toilets, or let us say:
The toilets of public facilities such as museums.
The cabins are not overused, and there can be used, usually without charge . Places
with a pleasant interior and dimmed lighting. Places usually only imagined sexual
licentiousness, and occasionally actually taking place masturbation some maneuvers that were inspired by the art it or were simply bored just yet.
I was very happy people in this place to get together. Men and women. Here to
celebrate the existence of this place and thereby restore his social status he once
had in antiquity. As philosophers and politicians are not there, shook hands, but
discussed. A place of out-of-business dispute.
I got my first painting professor, Friedemann Hahn also spoke for the first time when we stood side by side urinals and then talked about my work. Today it is different. I work on the toilet and what do the two F's there, no one goes to what. What does F, and with what words it is connected but each with its own please fill out (hopefully not dirty) imagination.

Fantasy with F still looks goofy. The noble Ph has the purity of the word better
graphically illustrated than this most banal of all letters.
Tanja pressed flush the toilet,
opened the door and said:
I have a florist
and the way he is still an optimist,
Realist and activist.
Then left the ladies' toilet,
without washing their hands.
Almost done and I have co-written.
In my next life I'll toilet attendants!

F. Born Neolithic piece @ 2010

Der stille Ort

die Glamour, die Peanuts, eine Illustrierte von vor 4 Jahren, das Kapital,
Schmuddelbilder auf hochglanz, eine zerlesene ausgabe der Bravo, Handbuch für
wohlerzogene Mädchen, Sexlehrbücher und mehr desgleichen.
Ich fasse das nicht an, brauche es an dieser Stelle nicht. Stelle mir lieber vor Gott
ist ein blasses Mädchen mit Sommersprossen und Schädelbasisbruch. Es ist
Nachmittag in der Zentrale: Gedanken an F, meine Nähmaschine und Stapel von
unfertigen Leinwänden. Mein Schädel eine Rumpelkammer oder ein Museum .
Denke dran wo das jetzt hingeht und wie das alles zusammenhängt. Denke an Frank
Zappa mit runtergelassener Hose und an Felix Kubin und daran, dass das was er
über das Stromnetz gesagt hat auf die Kanalisation auch zutrifft.
Die Kanalisation hat kein Anfang und keine Ende. Aber eine Fließrichtung . Alle
Toiletten einer Stadt sind miteinander verbunden. Alles fließt da zusammen. Ob der
Weinhändler sein Gemisch Champagner und San Peligriono ins Porzellanbecken
zurückgibt oder das oben genannte Mädchen sich kräftig übergibt – durch das
Abwassersystem sind sie verbunden.
Gleiches gilt für die öffentlichen Toiletten oder sagen wir besser:
Die Toiletten von Öffentlichen Einrichtungen wie Museen.
Die Kabinen dort sind nicht überstrapaziert und können benutzt werden, meistens
unentgeltlich. Orte mit angenehmer Inneneinrichtung und gedämmtem Licht . Orte
meist nur vorgestellter sexueller Ausschweifung und gelegentlich tatsächlich
stattfindender Masturbationsmanöver mancher, die von der Kunst dazu angeregt
wurden oder einfach doch nur Gelangweilt waren.
Ich habe mich sehr gefreut Menschen an diesem Ort zusammen zu bringen. Männer
und Frauen. Hier das Dasein zu zelebrieren und diesem Ort dadurch seinen
Sozialstatus zurückzugeben, den er in der Antike einst hatte. Als Philosophen und
Politer sich dort nicht die Hände gaben, aber diskutierten. Ein Ort der Außer-
geschäftlichen Auseinandersetzung.
Ich habe meinen ersten Malerei Professor, Friedemann Hahn auch zum ersten Mal
gesprochen als wir nebeneinander vor Pissoirs standen und dann über meine Arbeit
sprachen. Heute ist das anders. Ich Arbeite auf dem Klo und was die beiden Fs da
machen, geht niemand was an. Was F bedeutet und mit welchen Wörtern es
verbunden ist soll doch jeder bitte mit seiner eigenen (hoffentlich nicht schmutzigen )
Fantasie ausfüllen.
Fantasie mit F sieht immer noch doof aus. Das noble Ph hat die Reinheit des Wortes
graphisch besser illustriert als dieser banalste aller Buchstaben.
Tanja drückte auf die Klospülung,
öffnete die Tür und sagte:
Ich haben einen Floristen
und er ist nebenbei noch Optimist,
Realist und Aktivist.
Verließ dann die Damen-Toilette,
ohne sich die Hände zu waschen.
Fast so geschehen und ich habe mitgeschrieben.
In meinem nächsten Leben werde ich Klofrau!

F. Bornstück @ Neolithikum 2010

Photos by Stefan Kaz

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011

Neolithikum Berlin#002 ONE HOT MINUTE / Fritz Bornstück

hello dear visitor of the blog.

Something is going to happen on Sunday the 10th of July.
Neolithikum Berlin is opening for the second time its door.

Fritz Bornstück


 Opening 10.7.2011 from 4 pm - 8 pm

notes on occasion:

One hot minute, please.
One hot minute is a selection of Bornstück's Octopussy's Kloausstellungen ( loo-exhibitions?!?)
He started this series in Berlin a little while ago at the Neue Nationalgalerie with the idea of squatting public toilets to set up a guerrilla exhibition in there. The bathroom, a place where you are on your own, a place of peace and the sound of water. Also a place where needs equals arts while heating to the lavatory and actually being concerned about something else.

Fritz Bornstück continued the series in various cities all over Europe and the States.

The rest rooms he choose are often in big museums or significant buildings cause that might score most on the CV and in the documentation. The whole affair is a little bit slippery and he probably catches you in a moment where the painting/fine art doesn't really matter at all and he might even feel like the greatest toilette conquerer of all times. 
After 14 Octopussys its time to draw conclusion. 
And so he will hobnob with the loo of Neolithikum Berlin.
I guess for the first time it is legal and no one will call the police and confiscate the drawings.
So it will be very much the retrospection of an empire.  Cause even if the idea of Kloausstellungen is a slippery one, the approach is coming from a gentleman-slash-dandy.
Therefore I will keep the hallway empty and someone might serve delicious Manhattens for the sake of a Gentleman and his beautiful toilette Art empire. who knows. 

sincerely your

Neolithikum Berlin

☎:  +

Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2011

DIYChurch likes ....

- people who have a shower
- people who answer mails within a short period of time
- people who own flats with more than one room
- people who use less than 2 bottles of oil for cooking a nice meal 
- monster slush
- listing

@ Room111
every monday
from 7-9 pm (CEST)

017DIYChurch_O Tannenbaums Überraschungsei *
019DIYChurch__jokey_Jokers_room#prt2 *
046DIYChurch was skipt cause there will be two times show # 88
DIYChurch Realityshow*

*= Due to copyright laws or as part of the concept some shows were only uploaded to the temporary Rss-feed archive or were even just once live broadcasted.

Cool shows are...

there were 2 really nice shows.
One was the most noise and wild show till now in DIY CHurch broadcasting history.
The show was called

072DIYChurch_CX KiDTRONiK and BASECK in Your Ear hole & Ass KraK Back To Back Hour Double Deuce Hoedown Throwdown


basically breakcore mash-up by CX KIDTRONIK from ATR and the very subversive gentleman BASECK.

In addition we  had  Hazel & Douglas McCarthy in the studio as well --- so somehow an xplosive mix of people.


the 2nd show worth mentioning is 073DIYChurch_SchneiderTM
with Dirk Dresselhaus aka.  SchneiderTM, a former member of several German indie rock bands, most notably Hip Young Things and Locust Fudge. Just a very nice person. nothing more to say.

the hallway was cleared.

And Neolithikum Berlin announced the first show 
in real live.
On Sunday the 1st of May 2011 from 2pm - 7pm.    


Berglind Agustsdottir
" getur madur sprungid úr ást? "  

a drawing exhibition by Berglind Ágústsdóttir a good-bye Berlin show before she left for her US tour in May.
And prob the one and only chance to see the series in real and in one part.

Berglinds work is influenced very much by daily live fantasies. She is a quirky observer driven by her big heart which she uses as a bike for daydreaming. There's a particular naivety in her work that doesn't make it matter where you are from and where you are going to - you will always find a friendly face in her world taking your hand for a moment.

She said: "maybe there should be Death metal somewhere in the text", but then we decided it doesn't really fit.

again some pictures taken by Stefan Kaz .






Dienstag, 14. Juni 2011

news about the news

O.K.----got some news. all that stuff is sitting around for month now.And laziness through doing to much things at the same time. Made me just letting it sit a little longer. so here are some pictures and links of things that happened since march.
lets start with that:

DIYChurchSHow # 68 ....Love is a battlefield 

Iris Dankemeyer (journalist) & Oliver Schott ( author of "Lob der offenen Beziehung", Bertz-Fischer- Verlag, 2010)
the whole show is in German, two hours talking about sexual politics, relationships, love, rationality & luck, polyamory. 
Thanks to both of them I enjoyed it a lot and also thanks to DJ Aberglaube who brought some nice tunes to play in-between.



next day I had to leave for visiting Amsterdam, Tour with der Warst & Kristy Foom. Warst wrote a tour report so you can get more infos about the tour somewhere in his blog.



Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Danke Tanke

a true gas station.

2h s live from the gas station.
that was really fun.thank you.
for the very very well selected DJ set
Dj Molly Nilsson & DJ Why? 

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

Dive Bombers - Frieder Butzmann liest einen Text aus Andy Warhols Zeitschrift "Interview"

nachtrag und neuerungen.

beginnend mit einer endschuldigung.

 ehm ja irgendwie serverwechsel + zeitumstellung, und diese ist dann auch nicht am gleichen tag in ganz europa, geschweige denn auf der welt.
auf alle fälle wurde der stream nach einer stunde abgeschnitten.  und einmal mehr hab ich mich nach dieser wunderbaren idee der universellen internetzeit gesehnt. mh
die sendung selbst, sicherlich wegen des künstlers butzmann liegt mir sehr am herzen. reduced retarted listening show....

Frieder Butzmann, ist ein sehr spezieller mensch wirklich toller charakter, er hat viel zu sagen und die worte scheinen ihm nie auszugehen ( selbst wenn mein player stirbt). Das sag ich nicht oft im positiven sinne, und ich würde fast noch hinzufügen das er etwas verkörpert, das so scheint es mir mehr und mehr verloren geht und vergessen wird. ja so leid es mit tut, ist irgendwie so.
und es macht richtig spass ihm zu zuhören und das Album Dive Bombers ( 1992/ Zensor ) mit ihm neu zu entdecken. während er neue worte erfindet und hustentabletten sucht und ja 2 stunden profesionellsten dilettantismus zelebriert auf internationalem niveau. very barrock.
grund genug, die komplette sendung zu posten. und einen downloadlink zum  

Ah und die neuerung, also DIYChurch wird von nun an nicht mehr auf channal A, wie üblich gestreamt, sondern ist umgezogen nach Room111,mh das ist die realität. woran das wohl liegen mag kann ich nicht sagen. aber das solllte man sich merken, denn sonst wird man wie letzten montag einfach die sendung verpassen.

technical alteration & additions.

should start with saying sorry,
that the stream got cut off after one hour, a misunderstandig caused by daylight saving concepts and serverchanges . mh  i wish there would be something like an universal www-time. that would make things prob easier. And ja from now on DIYChurch is no longer streamed on channal A, we moved to Room111, so same station but another stream. keep that in mind cause otherwise the show will be just not there like last monday.

very sad,  cause ya my guest , Frieder Butzmann, is actually a person who has a lot to say and who embodies a very rare species of human ( Krachmacheur ) and it is just very nice listening to his stories and ideas. And rediscovering with him the Dive Bombers LP ( 1992/ Zensor) he did, while he is inventing new words for it and searching his cough tablets and just celebrating his very professional way of dilettantism for two hs on an international level. very very generalbasszeitalter.
So here is a download link for the whole show,
and ja somewhere should be also the player for direct listening. 

Mittwoch, 9. März 2011

last winter days

It's time for a new log.
Last monday there was Benjamin Altermatt at the DIYChurch with the Adolfo caleuche Video. A presentation of his tape collection, wich is somehow a sort of diary about friends, journeys and self-recorded/ manipulated footage. Along his tapes he tells little stories. He will be part of the Neolithikum Berlin exhibitions and this is somehow his audio contribution to the Neolithikum.   

....the exhibition at TÄT. All went pretty well. Though I was 2 hs too late for the opening by accident mh sorry for that. I promise I will never be late again. ;) it was very warm at the openings (70˚C) and I also really liked the performances.

here are some pictures and also some recordings of the performances, thanks to Nikolas, Harmony, Jonas, Thomas, Benjamin, Timo, TÄT, the Jan s, Ruben, Staalplaat, Anja, Iris, Andrew, Berglind, Ludwig, Christoph, Andreas and the neighbours.
Ah we also did a radioshow from TÄT with Kakawaka.
Who made the second air bang event (Luftknallereignis)

062DIYChurch_ Kakawakas unglaubliches Luftknallereignis


Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

60th DIY CHURCH Valentinos Beat Case

60th years of Valentino´s Beat Case - DIY CHURCH live from Weimar´s Shalom Salon with Rap Ohne Lizenz 14.02.2011

Friends and lovers of poetism and joy

Beloved friends of D.I.Y Churchism, the weekly
radio doing a valve´n´tino sepcial.
We will have a extraordinary date with
Shalom Salon, live from Weimar.
Weimar is a famous serious place for
classic german brains and wurst, but in fact
it´s just a place for cool young people who
behave like an old poet.
Therefor a group of preposterous skilled
vision masters, called "Rap Ohne Lizenz",
are grabing the mic back.
They are lovely homebodys  of error
triggered grooves in consolidation with
high-level freestyle raps, they using
the mighty power of modern time networking
to pick up the finest tunes of HipHop and
electronic cadences from the world wide web.

The table of the gathering

Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

privacy and open call

Its  again a more art post mh ? I´ m starting to wonder how much the blog cares about the radio show. maybe not at all :) 


I´m going to make an exhibition at TÄT in the end of February.
The opening is supposed to be at the 26th of February at 7 pm. The show is called Chrome Wave Arena.

TÄT asked me to write a text about my show and some pictures.
I had no idea what to do and I have nothing to say. So I asked them to give me access to their webpage.  They let me!!! hi hihihi
And I decided to change as often as possible all the content of the page which announces that exhibition. Dairy style ... mash up ... plunderphonics

So if you are sitting in front of your computer, just clicking in the off & not knowing where to go next - you should click here (I´ m not sure how long that fun will last, I guess soon there will be more upcoming events at TÄT and than you have to search on their page for that particular exhibition bla bla bla ) and just enjoy the magic of pictures and found stuff.

or and that´s an open call
You are welcome to contribute. If you wanna do an one-day exhibition at the TÄT page just send me your pictures, audiofiles, videos, whatever, your name, important informations and a TXT, 
cause people like reading txts and if I like it - I put it there for one day. 
And as reward or in return I will write you a critic about your contribution.

I guess it is useful to come up with a sort of deadline. The exhibition ends on the 4th of March, so lets say you can send stuff till the 3rd of March
that should be fine.