Dienstag, 11. Juli 2017

Radio for Eyes



9pm - sharp 
West Germany - Skalitzerstrasse 133 / Berlin 

Girls on Tape is a collaborative moment that is hurled into existence by Jeff Surak and Rinus Van Alebeek. The duo provides sounds of various lo-fi origins as a frame for a show that opens up for elements of surprise, that will fill in the empty spaces. Anything can happen as soon as Pandora's sonic box will be opened.

Jeff Surak http://zeromoon.com/artists/violet
Rinus Van Alebeek http://rinusvanalebeek.com

Duo Valentina Vuksic / JD Zazie

Valentina Vuksic | electromagnetic pickups over computers |
Vuksic approaches running computers with transducers that transform electromagnetic radiation into sound. In choreographically setups, the ‘runtime’ of executed software is staged for an audience to provide an acoustic experience of logic encountering the physical world.

JD Zazie | mix, CDj, turntable |
Coming from a DJ and a radiophonic background JD Zazie  has explored over the years different approaches of real-time manipulation on fixed recorded sound.
In her work she redefines DJ and electroacoustic activities. As a solo performer, in small groups or large ensembles she moves in an area which is constantly stretching the borders of what is supposed to be DJ mixing, free improvisation and composed music.
She is a member of the Italian label Burp Enterprise and co-runs Staalplaat Radio

+ experimental short films by Sylvia Schedelbauer

Born in Tokyo Sylvia Schedelbauer first moved to Berlin in 1993, where she has been based since. She studied at the University of Arts Berlin (with Katharina Sieverding). Her films negotiate the space between broader historical narratives and personal, psychological realms mainly through poetic manipulations of found and archival footage.

Selected screenings: Toronto International Film Festival, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, London Film Festival, New York Film Festival, Robert Flaherty International Film Seminar and Stan Brakhage Symposium. Awards inlcude the VG Bildkunst Award, the German Film Critics’ Award and the Gus Van Sant Award for Best Experimental Film.


Montag, 3. Juli 2017

tims neuer wäscheständer

tim hat einen neuen wäscheständer.

come and join us for tim s new laundry rack.
06.07. 2017 - 9pm !!! ____________________________________________

Mr Kev-
Psychedelic weirdo trip-hop acid from Prague

Simon Jones Chillout Donk Experience-
Chopped n' screwed "speedcore" from Liverpool

Marc Matter aka Voiceover (black forrest) - 
audiovisual live version of A Propagation Of The New Lettrist Alphabet.

DR 40 - non cooperate business from nyc 

Naang Tani - thai-french beanie boos TY™ plush master.

Die Delle - harsh wäscheständer aus Hamburg 


++++ >>>> 7.7. 2017 / Hermannstrasse 178 : 


Montag, 26. Juni 2017

flipping the stationary car

a warm invite - wir freuen uns, euch zu sehen!

Cornelia Herfurtner
David Iselin-Ricketts
John Allan MacLean

  Flipping the Stationary Car

mit Merle Richter und Lysander Rohringer

Filmaufführung und Ausstellung
Eröffnung: 29.6.17, 19-22 Uhr
Ausstellung: 30.6.-2.7.17, 14-19 Uhr
WestGermany, Skalitzer Str 133, 10999 Berlin

Screening des Films beginnt zu jeder vollen Stunde


„Flipping the Stationary Car” begann mit einer Inszenierung: In der
Residency O-Yo in Zeimiai, Litauen, warfen einige Residents im Sommer
2015 ein von ihren Gastgeber_innen geschenktes Auto um und markierten so
eine finale Ankunft, das Ende einer Fahrt, den Abbruch einer
Kontinuität. Auf die Kapazität hin, ein Ereignis oder Trauma zu
vermitteln sowie eine Art Finalität zu fassen, erproben die
Künstlerin_nen verschiedene Ausdrucksmittel: geschriebenes und
gesprochenes Wort, bewegtes Bild, Fotografie, Skulptur und Zeichnung.

Nach einer Serie von Vorschauen / Detouren - „cadaver”, „swan choir of
flat tires”, „between the lines” und „dirty hands O.B.E.” - wird am 29.
Juni „Flipping the Stationary Car”, ein experimenteller 3D-Film zum ersten
Mal gezeigt.


Freitag, 23. Juni 2017

Schattengewächsel @ Argh! /// 23.06-25.06. 2017

Argh!- selchowerstrasse 12

Freitag 23.6.2017:

ab 19 uhr 

Gregor Pfeffer 

"Night-Song in the Jingle-Jungle" (2015)
generative sound
dauer: unendlich / endlos

"Oh, hear the call!—Good hunting all
That keep the Jungle Law!
Night-Song in the Jungle"
(Rudyard Kipling)

Gregor Pfeffer ist Klangkünstler und Komponist. Er studierte Sound Studies (M.A.) an der Universität der Künste Berlin. Zu seinen Arbeiten gehören Installationen, Performances, experimentelle Musik und Kollaborationen mit Video-Künstlern_innen, welche sich oft mit den Zusammenhängen zwischen auditiver und visueller Wahrnehmung und deren Beziehung zu Zeit beschäftigen.

21:25 Uhr

"supernormal set"
Live Set

Mario Maracuja & Peter Passionsfrucht feat. Larry der Schwanz & MC Mauntenmike
Live set

Giorgio Gabber / Das Andere Selbst
Live / DJ Set

+ eventuell kassetten addition von DJ ShluchT

Samstag 24.6.2017

16 Uhr
tür auf

burgund t brandt
3 channel sound composition for a room and 3 female performer
Dauer: 21min

burgund t brandt lives and works in berlin.
»[…] is not. is question. is suspicion. is relation. is performance. […]« 

17Uhr: Dr. Helge Güter
"Lucy in the Sky with Diskussionsleitfaden"
hörspiel collage (2010), uraufführung
Dauer:60 min

18:00 Uhr
Lou Hoyer
"Im Schatten der Pflanzen - einfach schön"
Beauty Tutorial - Performance
Dauer: 15 Minuten

Lou Hoyer lebt und arbeitet in Berlin.
In einem irisierenden Spiel von Licht und Schatten arbeitet sie bildnerisch und performativ die grotesken Formen des menschlichen Körpers heraus.

oT feat. Baumschulenpoesie

territorialgehabe und umweltphilosophie

Gregor Pfeffer
"Night-Song in the Jingle-Jungle" (2015)
generative sound

Text zur Arbeit:

"Oh, hear the call!—Good hunting all
That keep the Jungle Law!
Night-Song in the Jungle"
(Rudyard Kipling)

Gregor Pfeffer ist Klangkünstler und Komponist. Er studierte Sound Studies (M.A.) an der Universität der Künste Berlin. Zu seinen Arbeiten gehören Installationen, Performances, experimentelle Musik und Kollaborationen mit Video-Künstlern_innen, welche sich oft mit den Zusammenhängen zwischen auditiver und visueller Wahrnehmung und deren Beziehung zu Zeit beschäftigen.

Soothie Relax & Kurort Spandau
»Schlafen – ein Hörstück von Soothie Relax und Kurort Spandau«
dauer: 1,5h
Zeitpunkt: –23:00 Uhr


Sonntag 25.06.2017

16 Uhr
Thomas Leo Chapman
"Reverse Video Chronology 2004-1999"
Dauer: 35:35 min

17 Uhr
burgund t brandt
3 channel sound composition for a room and 3 female performer
Dauer: 21min

burgund t brandt lives and works in berlin.
»[…] is not. is question. is suspicion. is relation. is performance. […]«

der warst
"requiem für den kleinen dinosaurier"
audio visuelle performance

18 Uhr
MC Eisenmaus
"Die Blumen des Luis"
music performance

Nicolas Humbert und Lindsey C.
dannach(akt I:blue)_transform
-musical Performance
Dauer: 10-15 Minuten



AUFBAU u. Rauminstallation:

burgund t brandt, dj Schlucht, Karim Waxteen


Fritz Bornstück
"Vogelhaus Jazz III"
dauer: Endlos / zu jeder vollen Stunde 3-5min
Freitag 19:00 bis Sonntag 19:00

Daniel Kupferberg
"Makering I / Mark I"
photo / c-print (2009)

markeringen som et gråzonet ubehag; en afmærkning af territorial
tilragelse, af besatte ressourcer, en bærer a tegnet for hegn; retten
til suveræn transformation, en blokerende bom, et påskud, et bolværk, et
værn, en parasitær tilranelse, et nødvendigt onde, fra vildnis til
rydning til goldhed til nystart -

the mark as a gray zone indisposition; a demarkation of territorial
claim, of occupied resources, a carrier of the sign for barrier; the
right to arbitrary transformation, a no-prespassers gate, an assertion,
a rampart, a barrage, a parasitic empowerment, a mean necessity, from
wilderness to depletion to barren land to reboot -

dauer: Freitag 19:00 bis Sonntag 19:00

Montag, 18. Juli 2016

some posters & some events

 in  HD  


Palmovka, Budapest 

Palmovka is an organiser of the fancy BabaVanga label and performs constructive ambient in a looped manner, somewhere between the city and the forest near the lake. 

Tropikal Camel , (Arabstazy) Jerusalem HD

Tropikal Camel can also be secretly called rocky b and balances his sound between tropical tribal patterns & the nonchalant charm of a soundcheck - leaving it to the listener to hear if it's music concrete or some new kind of space pop. 

Ghost Kwini, Berlin 

a little ghost jumping and falling around in future bass music,  juke-elements and the moment where you stand outside the club at your favourite ragga muffin show - might just be a mobile phone recording or one's vague dream glued together by pop vocals and sci-fi synths. 

 + dj puddle on the desk 

dj puddle is wilted woman's dj avatar and drops from one pop puddle into another while changing the speed and there is a rumor about her being maybe the best dj in the world but that's something one can only find out alone. 

 in 3d 

poster by johann kauth 


Fyoelk (be/de)

antwerpen synth zauberer, mpc meister, grafiker, total funky.... 
1/2 laser poodle, musik auf rush hour 'no label' und stenze quo.

Wilted Woman (de/us)

schildkröte fan, blips booms und boings.
 bald gibts schallplatten auf she rocks! und primitive languages.

Blue Stork (de/de)

hyper pokemaster footwork abstraction. macht party ganz tief im computer.
 agagoo algorhythmus !

I.Ruuu? (de/us)

total verliebt in error messages. supercollider mit stimme, fische, kaputte printplatte.. 
im moment auch dj rezidentin auf einem party boot und eine celebrity in prag.


333 Boyz (de/la)
vielleicht die besten djs der welt??? keine ahnnung. du musst selbst kommen & gucken.

start: 9 pm / 21 uhr

Skalitzerstr. 133 / 3.OG

official sponsor : vitamin sea yacht club 

 without PhD 

Rumpeln (München)

Daniel Door (München)

Urthsla (Berlin)

Teplödröme (Berlin)

Java Delle (Hamburg)


+ Dj Mixer 
  9 pm   
 location:WestGermany Skalitzerstr. 133 / 3.OG

Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015

the community and its radio

Dear Reader of the blog,

there have been some more changes lately. How or where to start - first of all thanks a lot Diana McCartyPit Schultz from Reboot.Fm who were so friendly to offer DIYChurch a new space to continue making internet radio and documenting our adventures in stereo.

we will be audible here now.

Reboot.Fm is a sort of berlin based artist and community radio. Mh ya wait - there are now many community radios - I know and I slowly seriously wonder if there is actually so much community left to reach out to - cause they are all making community radio now and no one can listen anymore. Also the word "community" mh sounds nice but I m still not sure if the word maybe only became so popular now because the internet is so huge and world wide and the individual so small and individual - sounds like this needs community  - sounds at least like it.

-think global act local or was it the other way around-

In detail or whenever I look closer at community radio concepts -it turns out that basically a lot of this "new self organised" "noncommercial" radio stations are becoming more and more a extension tool for event, music or even worse self-promotion with the nonchalance of a DIY-product and looking a bit longer I get the impression they miss an important point of the potential they could have - for example:

I still don t understand why internet radio needs to follow up a structure of entertainment design and the industry around it - that has to broadcast and infinitely nonstop entertain one 24/7 like the "TV".

- does no one sleep in your community ?

Or another thing - there is this old lady with her two sons living in my house and often at night I meet a sweet old man in a very elegant jacked on the street and he tells me a lot of funny stories - where are their shows in the infinite stream of the community radio archive ?

The "C"-word seems to describe more the target group and honeypots the consumer/user with the virtual charm of togetherness - cause once looking at people producing and organising the new community radio- I can t stop thinking that their conception of community is more something outsourced and feels like a club of privileged elitists and insiders thinking their neo-liberal (sometimes also called normcore by them to make a joke) attitude has something to do with radio or the community they are surrounded by.

But its different with Reboot.FM and its also not : )(classic) - it got founded in 2010 and is more or less the successor of various groups in Berlin producing free cultural radio already since the early 2000 most of the time more or less the same people being involved - just changing names and characters and social profile.( this is an interesting story but maybe its another post or a concept for a community radio show: )

It has an FM frequency on 88.4 and is audible in Berlin on saturdays and sundays from 7pm - midnight.

The interesting thing or what I like about it is that there was not really anymore any free cultural, self organised and noncommercial radio in berlin with its own fm frequency. The people around reboot and also a lot of other little pirate radio stations and free self organised radio stations in Berlin managed to establish this again and even make it a name for free & self-organised noncommercial radio in the community here & world wide.

And I bet talking about community radio so much the little lady upstairs and the man in the street they probably have a real radio at home and tune in every once and than.

Next step is to ask them if they would be up for making a radioshow. But I forgot to ask them for their facebook contacts. : (
next week.



Dienstag, 29. September 2015

coming to america

...yet another update for you reader of the blog. 
After the great success of DIYChurch s London visit - 

Thanks again to everyone who helped and came 

so ya after that - our management decided to invest once more 
in travelling the globe to spread the word. 

This time we will travel even more west-ish - and can announce now *very officially* that DIY Church will be on the east coast in Fall - more precise during the months of October and November. 

If you wanna get in touch, hang out, make radio or organise something together or for more details about times and locations ---> just send us a message or leave a comment below. 

So far visits in the following cities are planned:

New York City
Washington DC
Chapel Hill 

 P.S.: We will try to update the post with more details soon.